Kerning Loves NYC

Kerning helps local NYC shops and businesses with marketing and content for free. Deadass.

BIPOC and LGBTQ+ owners/founders prioritized.

Material costs not included.

Space and time is limited.

Content Marketing as a Service

What We Do:

Kerning’s content marketing experts have the track record to build and execute on a strategy tailored to your company’s needs. See tangible results in hours, not weeks.

  • Build an email marketing pipeline

  • Reach customers organically with social and content strategies

  • Start releasing blog posts, case studies, customer testimonials, and more.

An image of Grand Army Plaza

Why NYC?

Kerning is as New York as a fresh mozz slice at Luigi’s.

We’re from here. We live here. We buy coffee, bagels, and various wares from the small businesses and services making the city the best place in the world.

After seeing businesses struggle before, during, and after the pandemic, we thought about how we could help. This is just one of the many ways we give back to our community.

An image of the ramp to the Coney Island boardwalk

Why Prioritize BIPOC, Queer, and Trans Owners/Founders?

BIPOC, queer, and trans business owners often face innumerable disadvantages when starting and operating a new business.

This ranges from (but is certainly not limited to) financial discrimination and various forms of prejudice.

By prioritizing these business owners, Kerning aims to do whatever we can to make New York a more fair and just place.

We’re not deluded into thinking we’ll to solve these problems ourselves, but every little bit helps, and hopefully this idea catches on.

A street in Midwood overlooking the Q overpass

What are “materials,” and why are they not included?

We are a content marketing agency donating our time and available resources. We are not a website hosting company or an email sending agency.

The cost of hosting a website, sending emails, software, and services is one we’re unfortunately not able to sponsor.

We are, however, able to point businesses and clients in the right direction of the lowest cost and most capital-efficient tools needed for things like building/hosting a website, sending marketing emails, and other necessary tools for successful marketing campaigns.

A ballerina in Fort Greene Park

Do you work with everyone who applies?

No. Our time and resources are often limited.

We cannot accommodate every business in NYC. (Knowing ourselves, we’ll certainly try.)

We also cannot work with/for you at all hours of the day. Depending on our availability, we can offer you consultancy as a minimum to point you in the right direction, or the creation of content marketing materials if/when time permits.

If we cannot work with you at the moment, please bear with us. We’ll hopefully be able to work with you in the future.

This service was created for companies that do not have content marketing functions, or have founders serving these functions themselves. If you are a company with existing content/marketing staff, please know that we started this initiative not to bolster your existing efforts. We are happy to work with you at our regular rate.

For legal reasons, we also have the right to refuse engagement (or further engagement) at any time without explanation.

Ready to Talk?

If you’re a small business owner or founder in NYC and are cool with what’s spelled out above, get in touch with the Kerning Creative team today.